Agricultural Overtime Laws

Several states have recently enacted legislation to extend federal overtime standards to U.S. agricultural workers. Here you will find my analyses of the effects of these laws in the form of research articles, policy briefs, and presentations. You will also find resources to further your understanding of enacted and proposed changes to agricultural overtime regulations.

Research: California’s Overtime Law for Agricultural Workers: What Happened to Worker Hours and Pay?
Alexandra E Hill   
ARE Update, vol. 27(1), 2023
Research: Potential Impacts of Agricultural Overtime Laws
Alexandra E Hill and Trenton K Tanabe
Choices Magazine, vol. 32(2), 2023
Slide deck: California's Overtime Law for Agricultural Workers
Alexandra E Hill
UC Davis Walmart-Wilson Center Task Force
Slide deck: California's Overtime Law for Agricultural Workers
Alexandra E Hill
Farm Labor Issues in the 2020s, 2024
Slide deck: Overtime for Agricultural Workers
Alexandra E Hill
National Council of Agricultural Employers, 2023 Ag Labor Forum

Overtime Policy Database


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