2002 - 2022 U.S. Census of Agriculture Data on Total Farm Payroll Costs, Sales, and Operating Expenses
Below explore a map summarizing U.S. Census of Agriculture data on farm expenditures on hired and contract employees at the county-level. The colors indicate the share of payroll costs relative to total operating expenses (the first tab) or the share relative to total commodity sales (the second tab). Hover over a county for a more detailed breakdown of payroll expenses, total operating expenses, and total commodity sales. Use the dropdown menu at the top of the map to change the year of data you are viewing (2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, or 2022).
Below explore a map summarizing U.S. Census of Agriculture data on farm expenditures on hired and contract employees at the county-level. The colors indicate the share of payroll costs relative to total operating expenses (the first tab) or the share relative to total commodity sales (the second tab). Hover over a county for a more detailed breakdown of payroll expenses, total operating expenses, and total commodity sales. Use the dropdown menu at the top of the map to change the year of data you are viewing (2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, or 2022).
2022 U.S. Census of Agriculture Data by Commodity Type
Beginning in 2012, the U.S. Census of Agriculture has made data available for states at more refined industry-levels. Explore these data from the 2022 Census of Ag related to employee expenses, total operating expenses, and commodity sales below. Use the checkboxes at the bottom of the map to filter the data to a particular industry.
Beginning in 2012, the U.S. Census of Agriculture has made data available for states at more refined industry-levels. Explore these data from the 2022 Census of Ag related to employee expenses, total operating expenses, and commodity sales below. Use the checkboxes at the bottom of the map to filter the data to a particular industry.